Tag: ibwgrank

Know your place: Plasma League and IBWG Rank

So who would win in a fight? You or that other guy that seems to be stomping through all of their games?

Let’s find out with a shop-wide player ranking system!

Introducing Plasma League*

This one’s a little bit different from the Escalation League and Kill Team leagues that are currently in full swing – this league will run throughout the year, resetting on January 1st, and will be a way of tracking all 40k games played in the shop.

If you play a 40K game at Ibuywargames and report the score in some kind of group chat that I can see, you’re in the league!

The league will be split into three classes:

  • Lightweight class for 750-1,250pt games
  • Middleweight class for 1,251-1,750pt games
  • Heavyweight for 1,750+ point games*

The results of this will then contribute towards your IBWG Rank, giving us a seeding list for how well players are currently performing in games.

Does the rank mean anything? Beyond bragging rights and an encouragement of some friendly competition, not much! It might however be handy for doubles matchups and can introduce a little friendly rivalry for those of us that aren’t quite ready to chase after an ITC ranking or anything like that.

how do you calculate the IBWG Rank?

Crucially, this is a prototype and can be updated, tweaked and I’m more than happy to listen to suggestions – it’s meant to be a friendly ranking system so if there’s anything that discourages play or encourages a certain type of weird meta-gaming for some reason, it should be killed with fire.

You gain points from your win/loss ratio, with the number of games played being a tiebreaker.

The formula I’m running with now is:

(2x Wins + Draws) – (2x Losses) = IBWG points

Ranking decided by highest to lowest points, number of games played decides ties.

The points are accumulated from all classes of game, but you’ll also have data as to who is on top in the different sizes of game.

If you want to start throwing results of any one-off games my way, I’ll start throwing it into the site and start building a ranking list!

It’s going to be pretty empty right now, but things will be tracked on the page accessible from the menu titled IBWG Rank.

Let the games begin-and-be-tracked!

Additional Notes:

*Why plasma league? Well everyone loves Plasma weapons – they are versatile, consistent, and yet have an element of randomness to them and always run the risk of exploding horribly. I felt that was apt.

**Being the excellent gamers that you are, you will immediately notice you could possibly mess this up by playing exclusively 1,251 point games to gain Middleweight points….maybe just don’t do that! Be sensible about what class your game is in! A 1,251 point game is let’s face it a 1,250 point game really. If someone has a better way to articulate this, please let me know!