Special Ability: Local knowledge – before the game beings, you may exhaust this card to move a single objective marker. It may only be moved to a location that still respects the objective placement restrictions specified by the mission.
Whilst The rest of the city is understandably struggling under the pressure of the invasion, Oldtown thrives. A veritable den of inequity and hive of villainy, Oldtown is the place where you would go if you needed something that was assured to stay undocumented. They welcome all invaders as they recognise the potential for profit. For a few credits thrown here and there, officers quickly find they are able to source the locations of various secret caches or strategic prizes dotted around the city that could give them the advantage in battle.
Gangs, mercenaries, thugs and merchants of questionable repute fill the bars and slums, looking out for new “business opportunities” that may stumble their way and not all of your troops return from excursions through the narrower, darker streets…