Shadows Over Felgate: Basic rules pack

Shadows Over Felgate: A Woking Warhounds campaign

A planetary governor can get away with pretty much anything they like, so long as the tithe to the Imperium is met, on time, without fail.

The tithe from the backwater world of Felgtate had always been delivered at the exact right time to the exact specification. No grain of ore more, no single guardsman less. It was perfect.

Exactly perfect.

So much so that when every single value of one of the tithes was reported displaced by one decimal point, it grabbed the attention of the administratum far quicker than worlds that had more lacklustre and sloppy accounting practises.

Eyes have turned to Felgate. Many, many eyes.

If you are interested in signing up to Shadows Over Felgate, please fill in this campaign signup form.

Provisional start date is October 14th.

The Campaign rules pack

Commanders, welcome to Shadows Over Felgate, a Woking Warhounds campaign for all set in the 41st millenium.

Your campaign demons for this campaign will be:

  • David Hing (Greater Campaign Demon)
  • Leo Hutchins (Lesser Campaign Demon of Kill Teams)
  • Rhys Knight (Lesser Campaign Demon of Narratives)

Big thanks to you guys for helping out, big sorry to you guys for calling you lesser.

The Format

Shadows Over Felgate will have the following format:

  • 12 week duration, split in to 3 x 4 week acts
  • The campaign will use the Warhammer 40,000 system and the Kill Team system.
  • The rule format will mostly used Matched Play rules, but there will also be a strong narrative element running throughout.
  • The campaign will escalate in each act for the Warhammer 40,000 component
    • Act I: 1,000 points, no named special characters, no Lords of War
    • Act II: 1,500 points, no named special characters
    • Act III: 2,000 points, all restrictions lifted
    • Further modifiers may be introduced from week to week based on events in the campaign
  • The Kill Team component will also develop in each act
  • Players will be divided into teams for the campaign
  • 40k army lists will be fixed at each act
  • Kill Teams are restricted to a single roster, following campaign rules.
    • Further modifications may develop according to the Lesser Demon of Kill Teams.

Players may chose to play exclusively Kill Team, Exclusively 40k, or mix and match both depending on how they feel each week. Results from both systems will play a part in the campaign and affect the narrative and overall strategy for each team.

The Strategy Layer

After each week of fighting, there will be a strategy phase where teams plot their next move on a map of the capital city of Felgate.

Full details on how this will work will be released once signups for the campaign have completed. (The exact nature of the strategy nature will depend on the number of participants!)

Narrative elements

Narrative elements will weave throughout the campaign from week to week. This may give some players special strategic objectives, challenges to overcome, or bonuses to wield in battle.

The Narrative elements will be introduced and managed by the Lesser Demon of Narratives.


These will be announced once signups are complete.


The campaign will be won by the team with the highest score. At a base level, points will be awarded as 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw and 1 for a loss. Further campaign points may be awarded for completing special narrative objectives or achievements through the strategy layer.

Sign up fee

Finally, instead of charging a signup fee, we would encourage a donation that you deem appropriate and manageable for yourself be made to the Woking Warhounds Warchest to help fund the club.


Further details will follow soon!