League: Kill Team

Deathwatch – 99pts
- Watch Sergeant [21pts]: Leader, Power maul, Storm shield
- Black Shield [21pts]: Combat, Power maul, Storm shield
- Veteran [15pts]: Comms, Deathwatch shotgun
- Veteran Gunner [21pts]: Deathwatch frag cannon, Heavy
- Veteran Gunner [21pts]: Deathwatch frag cannon

Leo Hutchins
- Veteran of Tuhinga
David Hing
Active campaigns
Shadows Over Felgate: 1,000 point list
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) [18 PL, 8CP, 336pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot [8CP] +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Millitarum Tempestus
+ HQ [7 PL, 84pts] +
Lord Commissar [4 PL, 39pts]: Plasma pistol [5pts], Power sword [4pts]
Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 45pts]: Tempestus Command Rod [5pts]
+ Troops [9 PL, 217pts] +
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 72pts]
. 2x Scion [18pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Tempestor [14pts]: Chainsword, Plasma pistol [5pts]
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 72pts]
. 2x Scion [18pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Tempestor [14pts]: Chainsword, Plasma pistol [5pts]
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 73pts]
. 2x Scion [18pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [23pts]: Meltagun [14pts]
. Scion w/ Special Weapon [23pts]: Meltagun [14pts]
. Tempestor [9pts]: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
+ Elites [2 PL, 35pts] +
Ministorum Priest [2 PL, 35pts]: Autogun, Chainsword, Laspistol
++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) [40 PL, 664pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Tallarn
+ HQ [2 PL, 46pts] +
Primaris Psyker [2 PL, 46pts]: Force Stave [8pts], Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier
+ Elites [24 PL, 396pts] +
Bullgryns [7 PL, 126pts]
. Bullgryn [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
. Bullgryn [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
. Bullgryn Bone ‘ead [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
Bullgryns [7 PL, 126pts]
. Bullgryn [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
. Bullgryn [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
. Bullgryn Bone ‘ead [42pts]: Bullgryn Maul [7pts], Slabshield
Ogryns [5 PL, 72pts]: 2x Ogryn [48pts], Ogryn Bone ‘ead [24pts]
Ogryns [5 PL, 72pts]: 2x Ogryn [48pts], Ogryn Bone ‘ead [24pts]
+ Flyer [8 PL, 132pts] +
Valkyries [8 PL, 132pts]
. Valkyrie [132pts]: Hellstrike Missiles [12pts], Lascannon [20pts]
+ Dedicated Transport [6 PL, 90pts] +
Chimera [6 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Flamer [14pts], Heavy Flamer [14pts], Storm Bolter [2pts]
++ Total: [58 PL, 8CP, 1,000pts] ++
Main character: Lord Commissar Pike Jarvin
And now he was stuck with the space wizard and his idiot children.
The call had come in mid-transit that Jarvin was to take his unit and whomever he was travelling with and rendez-vous with other imperial forces over some pathetic backwater world that had an issue with its tithe.
The months Lord Commissar Pike Jarvin had spent in transit with his forces as well as an insult of an auxiliary task force had stretched on far beyond what should be expected of any of the emperor’s most devout servants. The sanctioned psyker at the head of the irregulars was insufferable enough, managing to remain pompous and aloof yet twitchy and paranoid all at once, constantly challenging Jarvin’s authority over the mission and dismissing him as a mere morale officer, but the children, the children were enough to drive him to the edge of madness.
Jarvin was mostly happy with his duties. He had the good fortune to be permanently attached to an elite force of the Deltic Kestrals, elite scions who knew their business and were good at it. Not only this, but they executed their duties with a dry sense of wit that was normally the first thing to be beaten out of recruits at the schola progenium and had warmed Pike to their unit immediately. They were easy to work with. Easy to command. They followed orders flawlessly. They adapted quickly in battle. They died well.
By contrast, the children were slow witted, followed orders in the most obtuse manner possible and were good for little else than consuming rations at an exuberant rate. They were a full detachment of ogryns that barely had a brain cell to share between them and Jarvin suspected that even the Bonehead treatment applied to the squadron leaders hadn’t properly taken.
Jarvin struggled to decide which he detested more; the thick skulled moronic abominations lumbering around his ship, or the witch-mind with whom he argued constantly.
The space wizard. It was definitely the space wizard. At least he could weaponise the idiot children. With the psyker, he found himself watching like a bird of prey, waiting for a sign, any sign, that would allow him to put a round of plasma through that pompous, arrogant, impious and weak-walled skull of his. Maybe an opportunity would soon present itself.
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Veteran of Tuhinga Fought in the Tuhinga Enigma |