The Surrey Warhammer 40,000 Championship warm up

Come and join the Woking Warhounds and Just Gaming in The Surrey Warhammer 40,000 Championship warm up. Friendly atmosphere, spacious venue and a good time guaranteed (on the roll of 2+).

Event date: Saturday 13th July

Venue: The Conservative Club on Mount Hermon Road, Woking, GU22 7TA

Entry fee: £20

Tickets available: Paypal to Darthfrench1900<AT>gmail<DOT>com – Add a simple note with your name on

Please note tickets are non-refundable. Tickets will be available on a first come first served basis. There are 40 places available.

Event Details:

  • The tournament will consist of 3 games.
  • We will be using 8th edition rules, with the Missions and Deployment being chosen from the rulebook.

Prizes are as follows:

1st place – Trophy & £20 in GW vouchers
2nd place – Trophy & £15 in GW vouchers
3rd place – Trophy & £10 in GW vouchers
Best Painted – Certificate & £10 in GW vouchers
Best Sport – Certificate & £10 in GW vouchers
Last Place – The Wooden Spoon & a free ticket to the next tournament.

List Submission:

The deadline for army lists is the 6th of July.

Please send your army lists to

Your army list must be presented in a clear format, showing the Detachments you have chosen, the units within those Detachments, as well as the wargear or upgrades you have chosen for each unit.

When submitting your list, please make sure that your army list is in the main body of the email, and please make sure your name is at the top of your army list.

Timetable of the event:

Day 1

09.00-09.15 Registration
09.15-12.15 Game 1
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-16.00 Game 2
16.00-16.15 Afternoon Break
16.15-19.15 Game 3
19.15-19.30 Awards ceremony

Things you will need:

  • Your army.
  • Dice & tape measure.
  • 6 objective markers.
  • Pen & paper.
  • 2 copies of your army list.
  • All relevant codexes for your army.
  • All relevant faqs or erratas for your army
  • Money for food and drinks. There are plenty of food outlets in Woking Town centre, which is a 10 minute walk away.

How the event runs:

The tournament will use the the Swiss Pairs system, games will be scored as follows:

Win = 3 Tournament points
Draw = 1 Tournament point
Loss = 0 Tournament points

  • If you complete your game within the time limit you & your opponent will each receive 1 additional tournament point.
  • Each round your Tournament points & your Victory Points will be recorded and a running total will be kept. This will be used to separate players who are on equal tournament points.
  • Soft Scores will no longer be used. Instead any unpainted models or models without at least 3 different colours will be removed from the table.
  • Proxies are not allowed to be used.
  • Conversions are welcome, but please make sure your opponent clearly knows what your model is.

Missions and Setup:

  • Each round the Tournament Organiser will announce the mission and setup that will be played.
  • Players should then exchange army lists and talk to their opponent, to make sure both players know what each other is using.
  • Players will then roll off to see who will place the first objective (if any).
  • Then once the objectives have been placed, both players will roll off to determine table sides with the winner of this roll picking their deployment zone. Then the player who didn’t pick their deployment zone then setups their entire army as per the chapter approved update.


Please make sure that your Warlord is clearly marked on your army list.

Psychic Powers:

  • Please make sure you have any psychic powers you are using clearly on your list.
  • Also in the interest of fair play and avoiding confusion, especially in psychic heavy armies, all psykers must cast all their powers before moving on to a different psyker.


Please ensure all Relics are clearly marked on your army list, and any command points costs (if any) are also marked on your army list.

Command Points:

Please ensure all command points that are spent on upgrades are clearly listed on your army list.

Dice Apps and Chess Clocks:

  • Only the official Gw dice app can be used at this event. You must use this in full view of your opponent.
  • Chess clocks can also be used at this event.

Rule Disputes:

  • If during your game you and your opponent can’t agree on something please consult the rulebook or GW’s FAQ’s before calling a referee.
  • If both players can’t agree then call the referee over, however remember that the referee’s decision is final.
  • Obviously you can discuss the referee’s decision, but please don’t create an argument.


Players who sign up are considered to agreed to the following.

  1. Players will be respectful to one another at all times.
  2. Cheating in any form is unacceptable.
  3. Each player must do the upmost to create an enjoyable game for both players.

If at the end of your game you feel your opponent has followed these rules you can award them 1 tournament point.

Army Composition:

  • Each player has 1750 points to create their force.
  • Armies must be “Battle Forged”.
  • Players may also use Specialist Detachments, provided they have the relevant Supplement.
  • Each player may use up to 3 Detachments each, following the rules in the Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition Rulebook.
  • You must use the same army list in all of your games.
  • Only the official, latest edition of the codex’s may be used. This includes any white dwarf updates, such as Ynnari.
  • Additionally, units from Forgeworld Books can be used at this event provided you have the book with you.

Any questions then please contact Darthfrench1900<AT>gmail<DOT>com

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the event!