Dispatches from Tuhinga 56: The signal revealed?

The war for Tuhinga 56 escalates as the source of the signal is revealed…

“Whatever comes over that wall, we’ll be fine if we stick togeth…”

The Tuhinga Enigma enters its second escalation level with 1,500 point battles breaking out across the system.

Team Salvation have uncovered one of the system’s secrets and thus enjoyed the benefit of an additional command point in each of their battles, whilst Team Annihilation managed to claim Arrakanis, the apparent source of the signal. Then they made a decision. Something happened. And to echo Denis’ question, why IS there a big “5” on the planet? What does that mean?

This week saw Annihilation take three victories with Will destroying Nicky’s chaos with wave-upon-wave of guardsmen and Leo defeating both Stuart and later on Josh with the debut of Roboute Greeniman in Tuhinga 56.

Meanwhile, Salvation took two victories with Warmaster Nathan’s Grey Knights charging through the walls into David’s (surprised) Iron Tigers and Warmaster Denis being caught off guard by Euan’s Eldar.

A reminder, last week Team Salvation made a discovery based on information recovered from some dead guardsmen on the battlefield

Bugs. Do your part. Would you like to know more?

The campaign continues again next week! Check out the current state of Tuhinga 56 here.