The Lost of Dagra

On the remains of the dead guardsman recovered from the battlefield, you discover a data key and a scrap of parchment. The parchment looks like this:

The data key contains the following:

++Report prepared for Ordo Xenos Inquisition chambers++
++Report issued by Inquisitor Feliks Perdus++
++Transcribed by scribe unit 009998++

The hunt continues.

The Eldar on Krystallia tried to warn me away but I’d already noted there are two worlds in this system that remain unnamed in all navigational records I can get my hands on. Their shadows still register in the void, but they cannot be found easily. 

In trying to warn me, those arrogant xenos let slip the location of the first. When one of the fools uttered “One Removed From Ecstasy” they might as well have just given me co-ordinates.

I’ve also got a lead on finding the second world, but first things first. It is on these worlds I expect to uncover the nature of the power at the beating heart of Tuhinga 56 so I can see what exactly it is that I’m dealing with.

I cannot entrust such unreliable communication with what I have uncovered, so I have left the code for the name of the first planet with the Dagrish Dogs, whose services I have requisitioned to escort me on my mission. Anyone part of my inquisitorial retinue will be able to crack it.

Crack the code, reveal the name, and the data key this is loaded on will unlock the coordinates for your fleet.

++End of report++


Chirurgeons also take the body away to do a postmortem despite protests that it is a waste of resources. The report you get back shows they have absolutely no idea how old the guardsman is and that he could be anywhere between his late 20s and 10,000 years old.

Many of the medical staff attending the postmortem later report migraines and a handful are found dead the next morning.