Dispatches from Tuhinga 56: Salvation for Krystallia

Forces storm the newly discovered Krystallia and discover large blue crystal formations covering the entirety of the planet. Whenever outcrops of crystal are struck with a stray round or energy beam, they create a harmonious ringing sound that seems to make time slow for a millisecond before they shatter into innumerable tiny pieces. Close inspection reveals Aeldari runes and markings in several places, suggesting Eldar outposts once sat upon this world, but there are no signs of their former occupants. 

Leo has a ballistic skill of 3+ and an imaginary bolt pistol (S0, no AP, D1)

Meanwhile, insurgency strikes Tuhinga Prime with patrols of Team Annihilation fighting running battles on the long-dead imperial city world.

Week three of the Tuhinga Enigma saw Team Salvation stomping ahead with their generals claiming the new planet, Krystallia.

The Warmasters fought to a draw on Krystallia with neither team leader giving ground to the other. Nigel’s army introduced the first possible sighting of Abbaddon the Despoiler in the Tuhinga system (although maybe it’s a clone or imposter) facing off against Leo’s Ultra-ma-greens. Josh also defeated David on Tuhinga Prime, despite David knocking a plane out of the sky with a hammer, wish frankly should be worth something.

Everyone else dog-piled onto Krystallia – Will and Chris fought with Chris claiming victory, utilising a lesser-spotted Rhino, Max lost out to Rob with a Kelermorph taking the winning shot by killing a Culexus Assassin in overwatch, and Euan won against the campaign’s first Mercenary combatant, Stuart, who was boldly representing Team Annihilation this week.

New Tuhinga Enigma Rules: Battle Honours

If you have played three games with the same codex, you now qualify for a single unit in that codex to be granted a rank 1 battle honour (p23-25 of Chapter Approved 2018).

The unit has to be from your codex, but does not necessarily need to be one you have fielded.

You cannot change your battle honour later or transfer it to another unit later on in the campaign.

Critically, and this is the most important bit, the unit that you give the battle honour must be given a name, and you must introduce this unit using its name to your opponent in your next fight!

Stay tuned for more – Planetary Conditions to be defined soon!