Dispatches from Tuhinga 56: Cagos and Demikoss

Team Salvation establishes general control of Tuhinga Prime as a warp rift tears across the planet’s sky. All forces now begin to spread out to the nearby worlds of Demikoss and Cagos.

Many tactical decisions were made on this day.

Demikoss is a blasted landscape littered with the decayed corpses of fallen warriors. Runes, icons and frequent altars dot the landscape, clearly raised by some and demolished by others. What is left in tact shows the same thing – a corkscrew-like formation with words that generally translates into high gothic as “the swirling abyss”. The pattern shown looks similar to a tear in the warp yet somehow more stable with fractal patterns crudely etched throughout the design.

Cagos sports reddish sands falling around craggy hills and rock formations. Sources of water are extremely limited but still present and the air is arid and uncomfortably warm to breathe. Periodically, the entire world shakes in widespread quakes across the entire planet. Those attuned to the warp swear these quakes are accompanied by low frustrated growls.

Night two of the Tuhinga Enigma saw Team Annihilation attempting to dog pile onto the planet of Cagos, with Team Salvation diverting forces in one battle away to Demikoss.

Annihilation have taken control of Demikoss with a single point, whilst Demikoss was more hotly contested – it still came down to the final point however and it has been claimed by Team Salvation for now.

Tuhinga Prime meanwhile has been left alone and continues to be comfortably held by Team Salvation.

A new planet has also been revealed to the navigators of your fleets – next week, you may also choose to fight on Krystallia. Check out the Tuhinga Tactical Hub if you want to take a closer look on how things are going, and keep an eye on Facebook Messenger for new updates!

Additional Tuhinga Enigma campaign rules

To encourage playing the same faction throughout the league, I am introducing the following to the campaign. You get some optional bonuses to your army based on the narrative section of Chapter Approved 2018 as follows:

  • Play three games with the same faction: A single unit in your army may select a single Rank 1 Battle Honours bonus (p23-25 – select from the appropriate page) – this must be a single unit and you can’t swap your honours between units between battles
  • Play six games with the same faction: A single unit in your army may select a single Rank 2 Battle Honours bonus (p23-25 – select from the appropriate page) – this must be a single unit and you can’t swap your honours between units between battles
  • Play 10 games with the same faction: You may upgrade one of your characters to a named special character (which you must name yourself) and select an additional ability (p15) and either a weapon improvement, a characteristic modifier, or a psychic enhancement if they are a psyker (p16).
“Eldar vision is based entirely on movement, so if we stay very still…”

Throw all questions that I have failed to answer and edge cases I haven’t thought of my way and I’ll dodge the question and ask it back to you, and ultimately we’ll make a decision!