Dispatches from Tuhinga: Planetfall on Tuhinga Prime

Team Salvation and Team Annihilation both converge on the world of Tuhinga Prime. The generals discover the ruins of cities all across the planet that appear to belong to a long lost colony of humanity.

Despite the ancient, derelict and abandoned nature of the ruins, their architecture is unmistakably that of the contemporary Imperium of 41M.

Seven brutal games were played on the opening night of the Tuhinga Enigma – an amazing turn out and I hope everyone had as much fun as me, and I hope nobody lost as quickly and decisively as me.

Head on over to the Tuhinga Enigma Tactical Hub to see how the results are looking and stay tuned for more. Team Salvation will soon be deciding the planetary conditions for Tuhinga Prime that will be in effect for the rest of the league.

Next week, the following things come into effect:

  1. At the beginning of your games, you will roll off to decide who chooses the planet you fight on (Annihilation gets +1 to the roll as they’re currently behind by one planet)
  2. Team Salvation players gain +1 command point each to spend in their battle because they currently hold one planet.

May the war for Tuhinga 56 continue!

“Well this is going well”