The Tuhinga Enigma – A Warhammer 40,000 campaign for all

The Tuhinga Enigma has now finished – if you want to check out how it ended or see what went down, take a look at the Tuhinga Enigma Tactical hub which is still active. We shall post a full rule-set on how this was run and a breakdown of what happened soon!

When the universe split in two, multiple factions were drawn to Tuhinga 56 chasing a mysterious signal broadcast into the warp.

Now, cut off from reserve forces, twisted alliances have been drawn to hunt down the prize of Tuhinga – whatever it may be….

The Tuhinga Enigma will be a league comprising of two teams, open to all with various titles to compete for. Size of teams will be dependent on interest.

Team I: SALVATION – Find the Signal

It drew us all here and whatever it is, we believe it has the power to remake the cosmos as we see fit.

Team I is an alliance of factions seeking the mysterious signal and to claim whatever is generating it as their prize. It is made up of players who feel they can commit to playing a game almost every week.

Team II: ANNIHILATION – Destroy the Signal

This is either the greatest hope or the greatest threat to the galaxy. I hope we can destroy it before we find out.

Team II is an alliance of factions seeking the mysterious signal in order to destroy it. Like team I, it is made up of players who feel they can commit to playing a game almost every week.

The Mercenaries

If you can pay us, we’ll fight for you. If you can help us find a way out of here, we’ll fight for you. If you get in our way, we’ll just fight you.

The mercenaries represent unaligned warbands that will throw their weight behind either cause. This is all the other players who can’t commit to every week, but might still want to play from time to time and can thus still be a part of the campaign.

Army Selection

Players select a faction before the campaign begins and stick to that (some changes may be possible within reason). Battle size should be between 1,500 and 2,000 points by popular request will escalate throughout the league, starting at a value everyone is happy with, likely 1,000 points.

Lists are not fixed for the campaign and can be adapted throughout. Army choice must be limited to a single codex at 1,000 points, and then may draw from an additional codex at 1,500 points, and another at 2,000 points. Duplicate detachments are allowed.

Any new rules released over the course of the league can be adopted and used by any players.

Battles in Tuhinga 56

Each battle will be between two armies taking part in the campaign.

  • If it is possible to match a member of Team 1 against Team 2, this should happen first
  • Mercenary players support either team that is under-represented on game night
  • If there are two many members of one team present, then one of the games will be IN FIGHTING – Team 1 against Team 1, or Team 2 against Team 2. This will give players the opportunity to advance within the individual team listings (and is on theme, as these are all rather loose alliances)
  • If the game is Mercenary vs. Mercenary, then each player decides which side they are fighting for
  • Each game is played on one of four worlds

Fighting for control of the worlds of Tuhinga 56

Click the image for full size
  • The worlds of Tuhinga will be displayed on a central noticeboard or on this site
  • Before each battle, players determine which world they will be fighting on – more worlds will open up as the league progresses, but will start with just the one world
  • Each world will have a different modifier to the rules, most likely drawn from the Vigilus Defiant campaign rules (These special rules may change over the course of the campaign)
  • Choice of world is up to the player that is part of the currently losing team. In ties or instances of IN FIGHTING, roll off to decide.
  • The winner of a battle will place a token representing their team onto the world on the noticeboard to show how much control each team has over each world. (This does not happen during IN FIGHTING)
  • Whichever team has more tokens on a planet is currently claiming that planet. For each planet claimed, members of your team get to use that many extra command points in their games.

Win conditions and prizes

The campaign will run for a set amount of time and with the following winning positions:

  • Winning team: Based on the most number of wins throughout the campaign
  • Best in Team 1: General with the most wins in team 1
  • Best in Team 2: General with the most wins in team 2
  • Best Mercenary: General with the most wins out of the mercenaries
  • Dead Last: The person right at the bottom of the pile. Optional: Last v Last fight between teams to determine the true “1st position in reverse order”

Generals taking part

If you want to take part, either drop a message in the 40K group chat, or fill out this nifty form right here.

Those wanting to take part in the Tuhinga Enigma are listed below:

  • Rhys Knight
  • Euan Bedford-Cooper
  • Chris Chapman
  • Nathan Searle
  • George Morris
  • Denis Naberezhnykh
  • Will Mayes
  • Rich Matthew
  • Leo Hutchins
  • David Hing
  • Max Deeley
  • Alex Roustborne