Escalation league: Round 1 progress – 3rd September

The escalation league continues – Ultrabork’an makes its debut game against Taking Care of Unforgiven Business whilst Deff Bots and de Boyz take down Knight Club in a brutal match that only really used 50% of the board.

Who needs a full 4×4 board anyway – Knights don’t take up much space.

As we break into week two of the league, six games have been played with nine games left to play before ESCALATION begins.

ROUND 1 Ultraborkan Serpent and the Mon-Keigh For the Greater Evil Deff Bots and de Boyz Taking care of unforgiven business Knight Club
Ultraborkan x Played
Serpent and the Mon-Keigh x Played Played
For the Greater Evil x Played
Deff Bots and de Boyz Played x Played
Taking care of unforgiven business Played Played x Played
Knight Club Played Played Played x

Results so far can be seen on the full Doubles Escalation League table – Taking Care of Unforgiven Business are hot on the heels of The Serpent and the Mon-keigh with Knight Club and Deff Bots and De Boyz tying for third, but Ultrabork’an and For the Greater Evil still have everything to play for with their remaining games in the round!