Shadows Over Felgate: Shadows approach 

A psychic shudder shakes the city of Vaedominus as a burst of light appears from the Telepathica district. A message has been sent off-world…but it has become clear that the world is shrouded from the light of the Astronomican. 

The towers of the Telepathica act as an effective landmark when the streets line up properly in Vaedominus and looking at these three towers now reveals that something is very wrong here –  a great arcane symbol hangs in the air above the towers, a sinister mark of corruption.

Exactly what message was sent off-world was unclear, but all of you receive a response in some form or another: The response is essentially that reinforcements are on their way.

Team Sanctus have been awarded 3 additional campaign points for completing a secret objective.

Team Sanctus will be defining the next escalation level and whether it will be 1,400pts, 1,500 pts, or 1,600 pts. 

As the shudders of this psychic pulse die down, you all collectively feel a sense of darkness descend, as if Felgate’s sun is partially obscured.

All psychic tests are at a -1 to cast for this week, and all Deny The Witch tests gain a +1 modifier.


Shadows Over Felgate: Final round of Act 1

This week (4/11/2019) will be the final round in Act 1 of Shaodws Over Felgate. The next phase will require a new list at a points level to be defined as mentioned above!

  • Your list may be completely different from the 1,000pt list if you wish, but it is preferable to have some consistency.
  • If you stuck with the same 1,000pt list for the entirety of Act 1, you will gain the “Vaedominus Veterans” bonus and be awarded +1 CP at the beginning of each subsequent match.
  • Act 2 will begin on 18/11/2019 – allowing a week of down time for people to build new lists and generally have some non-campaign games if they wish!