The Settlers Of Tuhinga

The rag-tag fleet above Tuhinga Prime lands on the planet and immediately disembarks.

They are revealed to be human colonists. They are mostly enfeebled civilians, a smattering of rag-tag military but nothing significant, lead by a large priestly contingent holding aloft banners depicting a great swirling void.

Both Salvation and Annihilation forces manage to intercept parts of this new fleet and between capturing, interrogating or generally requesting parlays with these newcomers, they receive the same message without any form of resistance.

The settlers tell the same story: They were lost in the warp for a great many years when their guiding light went out and then were saved by a great swirling void that shone through the warp and showed them the way to Tuhinga 56.

It is clear to everyone except the settlers themselves that they are long lost imperial citizens, yet none of their number have any knowledge of who the emperor is, nor what the light of the astronomicon is.


Finally, they give you co-ordinates to “The Swirling Abyss” and preach that you go and see it for yourself.

You have the option of dispatching a Kill Team to the Swirling Abyss by following this link.